Exploring the cutting edge of technology, batteries, and green energy for a sustainable future

Why the Electric Vehicle Revolution Can Benefit Everyone

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Transport is an essential aspect of modern life, but the traditional combustion engine is rapidly becoming outdated. Gasoline or diesel vehicles are highly polluting and are quickly being replaced by fully electric vehicles. Fully electric vehicles (EV) have no emissions from the tailpipe and are much better for the environment. The electric vehicle revolution is here, and you can be a part of it. Will your next vehicle be electric?

Reduced operational costs

The operational cost of an electric vehicle is much lower than that of an equivalent petrol or diesel vehicle. Electric vehicles use electricity to charge their batteries instead of using fossil fuels like petrol or diesel. Electric vehicles are more efficient, and when combined with the electricity cost, it means that charging an electric vehicle is cheaper than filling petrol or diesel for your travel requirements. The use of renewable energy sources can make the use of electric vehicles more environmentally friendly. The cost of electricity can be further reduced if charging is done with the help of renewable energy sources installed at home, such as solar panels.

Minimal maintenance costs

Electric vehicles have very low maintenance costs due to having fewer moving parts compared to an internal combustion vehicle. The servicing needs for electric vehicles are fewer than the petrol or diesel vehicles. Therefore conventional, the yearly cost of running an electric vehicle is significantly lower.

Zero Tailpipe Emissions

Driving an electric vehicle can help you reduce your carbon footprint because there will be no tailpipe emissions. You can further reduce the environmental impact of charging your vehicle by opting for renewable energy options for home electricity.

Tax and Financial Advantages

Registration fees and road tax for purchasing electric vehicles are lower than for petrol or diesel vehicles. There are multiple policies and incentives offered by the government depending on which state you are in. To learn more about electric vehicle incentives, click below.

Electric Vehicle Incentive

The use of petrol and diesel is harming our planet

The availability of fossil fuels is limited, and their use is harming our planet. Harmful emissions from petrol and diesel vehicles lead to long-term, negative effects on public health. The emissions impact of electric vehicles is much lower than that of petrol or diesel vehicles. From an efficiency perspective, electric vehicles can convert around 60% of the electrical energy from the grid to power the wheels, but petrol or diesel cars can only convert 17%-21% of the energy stored in the fuel to the wheels.

This represents a waste of around 80%. Fully electric vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions, but even when electricity production is taken into account, petrol or diesel vehicles emit almost 3 times more carbon dioxide than the average EV. To reduce the impact of charging electric vehicles, India aims to achieve about 40 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by the year 2030. Therefore, electric vehicles are the way forward for Indian transport, and we must switch to them now.

Electric Vehicles are Easy to Drive and Quiet

Electric vehicles don’t have gears and are very convenient to drive. There are no complicated controls, just accelerate, brake, and steer. When you want to charge your vehicle, just plug it in to a home or public charger. Electric vehicles are also quiet, reducing the noise pollution that traditional vehicles contribute to.

Convenience of Charging at Home

Imagine being at a busy fuel station during peak hours, and you are getting late to reach your workplace. These problems can easily be overcome with an electric vehicle. Simply plug your vehicle in at your home charger for 4-5 hours before you plan to go. If you are able to get a charger where you park at home, it is very convenient to plan your journeys in advance. What if you forget to plug in your machine someday? Then you can easily take the help of fast chargers or even battery swapping services if you are on a two-wheeler on the road.

No Noise Pollution

Electric vehicles operate silently as there is no engine under the hood. No engine means no noise. The electric motor functions so quietly that you need to peek into your instrument panel to check if it is ON. Electric vehicles are so silent that manufacturers have to add artificial sounds to make them safe for pedestrians.

Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained popularity in more recent years. What started to help the environment has brought financial and social benefits too. With the government’s upcoming ban on new petrol and diesel cars by 2030, you may soon find yourself charging your car instead of fueling it.

Main points

The primary environmental benefits of owning an electric car are zero carbon emissions, reducing your carbon footprint, improved air quality, and less noise pollution.

Economic benefits include lower operational and maintenance costs, exemptions from road tax and congestion charges, and increasing resale value.
The UK government provides grants that can discount up to 35% off the price of a new electric car, with a maximum cap of £1,500, and can cover up to 75% of the expenses for installing a home charger.

Initially, the cost of insurance for electric cars is high, but it is gradually decreasing as the market expands and knowledge about electric vehicles improves.

Charging an electric car in a street setting is more common, highlighting the numerous benefits of electric vehicles (EVs), which have been gaining significant traction in the automotive industry becoming.

The move towards electric vehicles is evident due to their wide range of benefits, such as being environmentally friendly and providing economic savings, making them an increasingly popular choice for conscientious consumers.

Let’s delve into the world of EVs and explore the primary advantages that could pique your interest in switching.

Environmentally friendly: a breath of fresh air

The substantial positive impact of electric cars on the environment makes them a highly compelling option.

In contrast to traditional petrol and diesel vehicles, electric cars produce zero carbon emissions, positioning them as a clean and environmentally conscious alternative. Here are a few environmental benefits of driving an EV:

  • Reduced carbon footprint: By not emitting exhaust gases, electric cars contribute significantly to a decrease in greenhouse gases.
  • Improved air quality: Electric vehicles, by not producing CO2 emissions, aid in reducing air pollution, leading to clearer skies and healthier communities.
  • Reduced noise pollution: The quiet hum of an electric motor, in contrast to the loud noise of a combustion engine, contributes to a more peaceful urban soundscape.
  • Economic benefits: more value for your money

The advantages of electric cars extend beyond environmental considerations and also make strong economic sense. Here’s how EVs can contribute to your financial well-being:

Operating and maintenance expenses: Electric cars generally have lower operating costs. With fewer moving parts, they require less maintenance, leading to significant long-term savings.

Driving, parking, and charging expenses: Electric car owners may benefit from exemptions from road tax and the London congestion charge, as well as potential advantages such as free or designated parking spaces. Charging at home, work, or public stations is increasingly convenient, and certain energy tariffs even offer reduced rates for EV charging.

Resale value: As the popularity of electric cars grows, their resale value increases, making them a smart long-term investment.

Selecting the appropriate electric vehicle

The electric vehicle market offers a wide array of choices, ranging from compact city cars to spacious SUVs. With a multitude of options available, how do you go about finding the perfect EV for you?

To help you find your ideal electric vehicle, we offer a handy Electric Vehicle Tool that enables you to compare electric vehicles based on efficiency, charging speed, price, and car insurance quotes. Why not try it out for yourself?

Government grants: a valuable aid

The UK government is dedicated to promoting the use of electric cars and provides grants to enhance accessibility.

You can receive a discount of up to 35% off the price of a new electric car, with a maximum cap of £1,500, and up to 75% off the expenses for installing a home charger. It is important to keep in mind that only government-approved vehicles and chargers are eligible for these grants.

Production and environmental impact

It is essential to note that while the production of electric cars requires more energy and emits more than conventional vehicles, the overall lifetime emissions are considerably lower.

Furthermore, as the industry for battery recycling matures, we can anticipate an even greater reduction in environmental impact.

Insurance: decreasing costs

Initially, insuring an electric car was expensive due to the high cost of parts and specialized repairs.

As the market expands and mechanics’ knowledge grows, insurance premiums are starting to decrease. It is always a good idea to compare electric car insurance to ensure you are getting the best possible deal.

Electric vehicles are not merely a passing fad; they represent the future of transportation. With their numerous benefits for both the environment and your finances, there has never been a better time to consider making the switch.

Whether you are drawn to the environmental advantages, the economic savings, or the cutting-edge technology, electric cars offer an enticing package that is difficult to ignore. So, why not embrace the future and join the electric revolution?

Electric vehicles are suitable options for environmentally conscious individuals looking to replace their traditional diesel and petrol-powered cars. EVs operate on electricity and emit no polluting gases, in contrast to conventional petrol and diesel cars.

This article highlights the advantages of electric vehicles and emphasizes the importance of considering one.
Please remember the following information about the advantages of electric vehicles:

1. Costs for running electric vehicles are lower compared to petrol and diesel-powered cars due to their utilization of electric power for battery charging instead of fossil fuels, resulting in more affordable running expenses.

2. Electric vehicles have lower maintenance costs than internal combustion cars since they contain fewer moving components, reducing the need for servicing and maintenance.

3. Electric vehicles emit zero emissions, reducing their environmental impact, and operate quietly due to the absence of an engine under the hood.

4. Owners of electric vehicles enjoy tax benefits such as lower road tax and registration fees, although government policies and incentives vary by state.

5. Electric vehicles are gearless and can be driven without the need for using brakes, accelerator, or steering wheel, simplifying the driving experience.

6. Charging electric vehicles at home is convenient and can help save time by avoiding the need to visit fuel stations. In case of forgotten charging, fast-charging facilities or battery swapping services can be utilized.

7. Electric vehicles provide a comfortable, noise-free driving experience with convenient cabin space and additional storage options.

8. Electric vehicle owners are not affected by frequent fuel price hikes, offering peace of mind in terms of fuel expenses.

It’s predicted that by 2035, all new cars will be electric, making electric vehicles an essential part of reducing carbon emissions in the transportation sector. Electric vehicles run solely on electricity, and while electric cars are the most common type, they also include trucks, bikes, buses, planes, and boats. There are different types of electric vehicles, including all-electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrids, and fuel-cell vehicles, each utilizing different power sources.

Electric vehicle technology has significantly advanced since the production of the first electric car in 1884, constantly improving to produce more efficient and dependable EVs. Electric vehicles are not limited to personal transportation and have become common in various industries, including. Many logistics companies are transitioning their fleets to electric vehicles, including trucks and freight-handling vehicles, to reduce emissions despite initial concerns about cost and practicality.

Public transport

Electric buses are very popular in China, and the adoption of these buses is increasing in Europe. You may have seen green buses on the roads, and there will be more of them in the upcoming years.

The electric transformation is not limited to the vehicles themselves. Currently, 38% of the UK rail network is electrified, and there are plans to expand this initiative.

Additionally, electric trams have become a common sight in major cities over the last ten years.


Yes, you read that correctly – electric aircraft. Sounds futuristic, doesn’t it?

Electric aircraft technology is still in its early stages, but progress is being made each year.

However, the potential for electric aircraft is a topic of much debate.

A modern passenger plane requires batteries that weigh 30 times more than its current fuel intake. Some argue that this issue is unsolvable, but progress is being made each year, and some predict that electric planes will be in the skies by 2026.


Similar to airplanes, electric boats require significant battery power to operate, which poses challenges for longer trips and larger vessels.

That being said, there are existing prototypes, and considerable resources are being dedicated to solving the challenges of electric boats.

How sustainable are electric vehicles?

Around one-fifth of the world’s CO2 emissions come from transportation, and road vehicles are responsible for almost 75% of these pollutants. Therefore, it is crucial to implement more environmentally friendly transportation solutions. Electric vehicles play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions on a larger scale.

But how?

First and foremost, electric vehicles produce zero emissions, significantly reducing harmful gases and particulate matter in the air. The absence of a combustion process means no fossil fuels are used, which drastically reduces CO2 emissions.

However, the batteries powering electric vehicles need to be charged, and how this electricity is generated affects the sustainability of the vehicles.

While solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources produce clean electricity, many parts of the world still rely on burning fossil fuels to generate energy.

It’s important to note that environmental issues related to electric vehicles go beyond just emissions. For instance, the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles can be energy-intensive. Research indicates that the energy used to manufacture an electric vehicle accounts for about a third of the vehicle’s lifetime CO2 emissions. Moreover, there is room for improvement in the manufacturing process and battery recycling facilities.

However, a 2018 analysis from the UK government found that battery electric vehicles (BEVs) “had much lower greenhouse gas emissions than automobiles, even when taking conventional into consideration the electricity source and the electricity utilized for battery manufacture.”

So, while there is still much work to be done, considering all factors, the benefits of electric vehicles outweigh the drawbacks, making them the best option for a greener future.

Are electric cars the future of transportation?

In short, yes. Electric vehicles are a top priority for several global powers, including the UK, the USA, and China. As you may have read, green transportation policies are a major focus on political agendas, guided by science.

Furthermore, according to experts at Wood Mckenzie, electric vehicle sales are projected to surpass 45 million annually by 2040, adding 323 million EVs to the world’s stock.

There is no doubt that electric cars reduce emissions and contribute to combating climate change. By 2035, they are expected to surpass traditional petrol and diesel models as the primary new car choice.

However, creating a sustainable future requires efforts in various fields, and sustainable energy sources must power electric vehicles to achieve maximum effectiveness.

The future of electric vehicles is promising. As more drivers switch to electric vehicles and car manufacturers innovate to provide efficient zero-emission vehicles, traditional combustion engines are taking a backseat.

In the aftermath of the economic turmoil caused by the coronavirus, policymakers are preparing recovery packages to support businesses and create jobs. Electrified transportation is likely to be a top contender for stimulus funding due to its potential economic and environmental contributions- both now and in the future.

Before the pandemic, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that the shift to electric vehicles would create over 350,000 new jobs by 2030, with a focus on infrastructure. These jobs are now more important than ever. The growing environmental consciousness and concerns regarding air quality serves as strong motivations for investment.

In Los Angeles, the Transportation Electrification Partnership, a coalition of local, regional, and state stakeholders, aims to promote transportation electrification and zero emissions goods movement in preparation for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The partnership has requested $150 billion in stimulus funding, emphasizing the economic and public health advantages.

Electric vehicles require charging, and the process of establishing a network raises intricate questions. Our utility and transportation systems were constructed over half a century ago. How should they be adjusted? What level of investment is necessary, and who would be willing to finance it ? How do we determine the placement and configuration of chargers?
This article addresses these issues by examining the factors driving the transition to electric vehicles and the roadmap for achieving this transition.

Given its potential economic and environmental benefits, electrified transportation is likely to be a strong candidate for stimulus funding – both now and in the future.

Growing support

Before the pandemic, declining costs and environmental concerns were already leading to an increasing number of electric vehicles on the roads. The International Council on Clean Transportation reported that the number of electrified fleet vehicles in the United States surpassed two million in 2018, marking a 70 percent increase from the previous year. The International Energy Agency predicts that by 2030, there will be 125 million electric cars on the roads globally. In this trend, vehicles such as transit buses are leading the way, as cities and states are spearheading the shift to electric fleets.

Electric vehicles produce no greenhouse gases, thus wide-scale adoption can reduce emissions. This is particularly significant as the transportation sector accounts for 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the US Emission reduction can also assist cities in achieving social equity and environmental objectives by enhancing air quality in lower-income neighborhoods, which often have high concentrations of vehicle emissions.

In response to public concerns, several US cities, including Los Angeles and New York, have introduced “green new deals” focused on carbon reduction. These programs initially concentrate on electrifying municipal vehicles, including transit and school buses, as well as service and fleet vehicles such as garbage trucks and police vehicles.

Transit agencies are also committing to electric transportation, with nine out of ten of the country’s largest transit agencies studying or planning transitions by 2040. Statewide efforts are also underway. The California Air Resources Board has mandated that all buses purchased in the state after 2030 must be electric, and it’s expected that all municipal buses will be electric by 2040.

Another driving force behind the shift is the cost reductions resulting from technological advancements. A substantial reduction in the cost of transit vehicle batteries has increased accessibility for transit and fleet operators, leading to increased demand for electric buses and fleet vehicles. According to a study by Carnegie Mellon University, battery-electric buses are cost-competitive with liquefied natural gas, compressed natural gas, and hybrid diesel buses. The American Public Transportation Association found that the total cost of ownership of electric buses equals that of diesel buses for vehicles with a utilization of at least 37,000 miles per year. Furthermore, electric buses offer lifecycle-cost advantages over internal-combustion engines because they convert energy into motion more effectively and have fewer moving parts, making them more affordable to power and maintain over time.

Technological advancements

As the current charging infrastructure matures, utilities and transportation agencies continue to develop innovations such as solid-state batteries enabling faster charging, as well as smart systems connecting vehicles and grids to enhance grid reliability and power management.

The industry is exploring various new technologies to enhance energy management, including smart charging systems for fleet facilities that optimize charging patterns and minimize energy costs, peak shaving strategies that use energy storage to reduce demand charges, microgrid technology to promote resilience, and facility power generation to offset power needs while providing resilience. Future technology may even include dynamic wireless charging that allows vehicles to charge on the roadway without slowing down.

Another emerging technology, termed “vehicle-to-grid,” could also generate substantial revenue for transit agencies, creating thousands of dollars of revenue per year. At The Navy Yard in Philadelphia, AECOM is investigating how vehicle-to-grid and other emerging electrification technologies could be integrated into the district’s growing micro-grid.

Preparing for an electric tomorrow

The infrastructure needs of electric vehicles impact energy and transportation networks and warrant thorough consideration. Successful implementation requires attention to three areas: collaboration, energy networks, and charging.

1) Collaboration

Fleet managers and businesses running large vehicle operations might be able to establish a private charging network. However, for individual electric car ownership to become widespread, a comprehensive charging network will be necessary. To achieve this, states, cities, utilities, and transportation agencies must work together. These entities share similar goals in improving communities and providing public health resources. Collaborating, they can develop strategies for transportation electrification, prioritizing public fleet conversion, modernize infrastructure, plan charging infrastructure, set utility policies, rates, and incentives, and upgrade energy distribution capability.

2) Energy networks

The increased adoption of electric vehicles will put additional strain on electric grids, prompting a closer look at their carbon credentials. Analyzing the impacts of electrification on grid assets can help authorities, agencies, and other stakeholders make decisions about charging infrastructure, locations, capital improvements , and future needs based on data.

Managing the energy grid wisely will become increasingly crucial as electric vehicle numbers rise. Utilities are adjusting their policies to speed up electric vehicle adoption by offering subsidies and, in some areas, specific charging rates. They are also working to balance these efforts with the demand on their grid and their ability to support that demand.

On the other hand, electric vehicles could help utilities manage their load better, especially with the increase in intermittent wind and solar energy generation. Major investments have been made in batteries that can store this energy for a few hours. Transportation electrification could also enhance business models by increasing electricity demand. This represents a significant change for an industry that has experienced declining energy needs over the past decade and will encourage investments in modernization and improvements to outdated systems, subsequently reducing operating and maintenance costs.

3) Charging network

As the number of electric car owners grows, there will be a greater need for a comprehensive public charging network. While at-home and workplace charging will play significant roles in enabling infrastructure, the ability to charge on the go is equally important, especially for larger vehicles and along longer routes and highways. Stimulus funding can aid municipalities and utility operators in adding chargers and charger infrastructure to publicly-owned areas such as parking structures or airports, which can, in turn, become sources of new revenue.

Embracing the gas station model can also support this capability. For example, AECOM is supporting Shell Oil Company as it installs fast chargers at each of its gas stations in the Netherlands. These stations will allow drivers to charge their vehicles, pay, and depart, ensuring easy access to “fuel” for their vehicles.

So, how long will this really take?

In the last decade, electric cars have shifted from being novelties to being commonplace. Transit agencies are beginning to make similar transitions. The conversion of transit vehicles will occur gradually, as buses have a useful life of 10 to 15 years, and transit agencies replace around 15 percent of buses annually. Agencies are using this lead-time to plan, particularly considering charging methods, even as they work with utilities to negotiate electricity rates. Many agencies nationwide have committed to being fully electric by 2040.

As with personal cars, fueling is a significant aspect of electric bus and fleet vehicle planning. Transit agencies have various charging options, including catenary wires for rapid charging on-route layovers, slow charging at bus depots, or pads embedded at bus stops that enable charging while passengers board or exit at stops or at bus depots. Selections will vary depending on energy needs related to factors such as usage, energy tariffs, routes, route elevation, and climatic conditions.

While agencies will need to balance charging options with operational needs and costs, those working with utility and private partners will also find opportunities to develop public-private partnership projects that can accelerate adoption.

In summary, establishing a comprehensive charging network is a complex and expensive task, and progress will likely come in stages, driven by fleet vehicle planning. Growing demand is expected to fuel investment, which, in turn, will lead to an improved quality of life for communities across the United States.

Roseville, California

The city of Roseville, California, aims to pave the way for an efficient electrified future. Roseville independently manages its power distribution and transportation system. Through collaboration with AECOM, officials in the city have developed a utility roadmap to predict charging loads and support charging infrastructure planning and development. The city-specific study assessed the increasing demand for electric vehicle charging, potential local utility impacts, and forecasted the number and locations of electrified vehicles. This evaluation aimed to determine business strategies and operational plans to address charging needs.

John F Kennedy International Airport, New York

AECOM is partnering with the New York Power Authority at John F Kennedy International Airport in New York City to provide program management, procurement services, and constructability and design review. The power authority is installing fully operational electric vehicle charging stations and infrastructure at JetBlue Terminal 5 to enable charging while vehicles are parked.

Los Angeles, California

AECOM is leading initiatives with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to plan and design four bus facility retrofits in anticipation of more than 500 new electric buses that will undergo conversion in 2021. Working closely with LADOT and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), AECOM is designing charging infrastructure for the buses, coordinating the facilities’ integration, and developing intelligent solutions to reduce fleet infrastructure conversion costs. Each facility expects around eight megawatts of new demand and will require coordination, collaboration, and innovation to build an effective electric transit ecosystem.

As more electric vehicles zip by on city streets and charging stations become more prevalent on roads and in parking garages, it’s easy to envision that we are making progress in combating climate change, one electric car at a time.

However, electric vehicles alone cannot completely solve the issue of transportation pollution and climate change. U of T researchers specializing in transportation and climate caution that as we increase their usage, new challenges will arise that need to be addressed.

“There is no future without electrification. But solely relying on electrification will not lead us to a solution,” says Marianne Hatzopoulou, a professor in U of T’s department of civil and mineral engineering. “We should not fall into the trap of assuming that we have solved the problem by supporting electric vehicles.”

The transition to electric vehicles is already well underway. According to the International Energy Agency, electric cars made up 14 per cent of new sales globally in 2022. In Canada, all-electric vehicles accounted for seven per cent of new car sales at the beginning of 2023.

During the UN Climate Change Conference in 2022, the Accelerating to Zero Coalition committed to making all new cars and vans zero-emission by 2035 in leading markets and by 2040 globally. Canada is currently deliberating regulations that would require automakers to ensure that 60 per cent of new passenger vehicles available for sale in 2030 are zero-emission, with the expectation rising to 100 per cent by 2035.

Daniel Posen, an associate professor at U of T’s department of civil and mineral engineering and the Canada Research Chair in system-scale environmental impacts of energy and transport technologies, acknowledges the importance of electrification. nevertheless, relying solely on electric vehicles to reduce carbon emissions from transportation may not be sufficient, especially if we aim to achieve it in time to prevent a catastrophic two-degree increase in global temperatures.

To comprehend the magnitude of the issue, Posen, along with Heather MacLean, a professor in U of T’s department of civil and mineral engineering, and postdoctoral researcher Alexandre Milovanoff, examined the pace at which the US would need to electrify transportation to meet emission goals that would limit warming to less than two degrees.

By 2050, 90% of all passenger vehicles on the road in the US would need to be electric – 350 million vehicles. Currently, there are approximately one million electric vehicles. Considering the lifespan of cars, this would likely mean that by 2035, every new car sold would have to be electric.
If the US were to achieve this level of EV adoption rapidly, it would need to increase its electricity generation by 1,700 terawatt-hours per year – approximately 40% of its total production in 2021.

Posen notes that there is no similar analysis for Canada, but this country will likely encounter similar challenges in scaling up its electricity production. The challenge is particularly demanding because for EVs to deliver full environmental benefits, the electricity powering them – and their manufacturing process – should be eco-friendly. If not, there is a risk of ending up with an electric vehicle that generates more greenhouse gases than an efficient gasoline-powered car.

“We need to make the transition to decarbonization, but we must carefully select the path we take,” said Teresa Kramarz, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto’s School of the Environment.

For instance, when considering emissions from manufacturing, a study by Posen suggests that an electric vehicle powered by electricity in a coal-dependent area like West Virginia will produce approximately six percent more greenhouse gases over its entire lifespan compared to a gas-powered vehicle of similar size.

“Solar and wind technologies have become much more affordable than they used to be. These technologies are no longer excessively expensive,” noted Posen. “However, there could be challenges in terms of the technical resources required to rapidly expand the green-energy grid .”

Critical Minerals

One of the most complex issues that electric vehicles may bring about is the increased demand for essential minerals such as lithium, manganese, and cobalt.

To meet the rising demand for green energy technologies, including electric vehicles and the renewable energy necessary for their production and operation, the production of lithium and cobalt will need to grow by 500 percent by 2050, according to the World Bank – and this could present challenges. “Historically, mining has had significant environmental impacts,” observed Teresa Kramarz, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto’s School of the Environment and co-director of the Environmental Governance Lab. She raised questions about how these environmental impacts would be addressed and how the social risks associated with extractive industries would be mitigated.

Mining often results in the displacement of communities and contamination of local environments. Many critical minerals are located in lower-income countries where mineral wealth can paradoxically lead to significant problems. For example, cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo has led to water and soil contamination, lack of transparency and accountability, and increased forced labor, according to Kramarz.

Moreover, all the materials used in solar panels and batteries will eventually need to be recycled and disposed of properly to avoid environmental contamination. These materials include not only critical minerals but also heavy metals such as lead, tin, and cadmium. “We need to transition to a decarbonization path, but we must make this choice very thoughtfully, taking into account the tradeoffs associated with different options,” emphasized Kramarz.

One promising approach, developed by Professor Gisele Azimi, involves changing the way lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles are recycled.

Azimi and her team at the Laboratory for Strategic Materials in U of T Engineering have proposed a more sustainable method to extract essential minerals such as lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese from lithium-ion batteries that have reached the end of their useful lifespan. “These batteries still contain a high concentration of elements of interest,” said Azimi.

Recycling can not only provide these materials at a lower cost but also reduce the need for mining raw ore, which is associated with the environmental problems highlighted by Kramarz. “We truly believe in the advantages of this process,” said Azimi.

The Air We Breathe

Electric vehicles also offer the promise of reducing ground-level pollution, which directly affects air quality. Pollutants like nitrogen oxide and fine particulate matter, commonly emitted by cars, cause 15,300 premature deaths in Canada annually, with 3,000 of those occurring in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area alone, according to Health Canada. In a study, Hatzopoulou found that if all cars and SUVs in the region were electric, there would be 313 fewer deaths each year, resulting in a total social benefit of $2.4 billion.

However, electric vehicles still contribute to ground-level pollution in the form of airborne particulates. These particulates originate from the abrasion of brake pads and rotors and the wear of tires on roads, explained Matthew Adams, an associate professor in the department of geography, geomatics, and environment at the University of Toronto Mississauga. “Electric vehicles will eliminate tailpipe emissions completely. Undoubtedly, yes. But they will not eliminate all emissions,” Adams stated.

“It’s crucial for people to recognize, from the standpoint of community health, that electric vehicles will not completely eliminate the generation of these particulates. The extent of reduction remains uncertain.” For example, the lower operating costs of electric vehicles may lead to more significant vehicles being purchased and driven more, resulting in even greater particulate pollution.

Adams and his colleagues at the University of Toronto are collaborating on a study with the US-based Health Effects Institute to gain a better understanding of electric vehicle particulate pollution.

The Problem with Trucks

Converting delivery and long-haul trucks to zero-emission vehicles presents an even more challenging problem. While delivery trucks make up only 15 percent of the total traffic in the Toronto and Hamilton region, they contribute 50 to 70 percent of the pollutants in the air we breathe, according to Hatzopoulou.

Electrifying long-haul commercial trucks will pose significant challenges, according to the expert. One difficulty is the high initial cost of replacing a commercial fleet. Additionally, the limited range of electric vehicles presents a challenge. Long charging times can also impact scheduling.

Rather than relying solely on electrification, the expert suggests that redesigning the delivery process could have a more immediate impact. She questions the necessity of having a truck delivery constantly circulating in the neighborhood. Planning distribution centers and routes in a way that allows for the ” last mile” of deliveries to be made by bicycle is one potential solution.

Additionally, the expectation for same- or next-day delivery may need to change to facilitate the consolidation of deliveries. According to the expert, it’s essential to rethink the delivery of goods in large metropolitan areas alongside technological advancements.

All the researchers interviewed for this article agree that electrification is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are other steps that could be simpler, more cost-effective, and equally impactful. For instance, choosing to take the bus could result in a low-emissions trip with a carbon footprint almost as favorable as the newest electric vehicle.

In Ontario, driving a kilometer in an electric car generates 15 grams of emissions from the electricity used, which is significantly lower than the 250 grams produced by a gas-powered car. Alternatively, taking public transportation results in emissions of just under 20 grams per kilometer per person due to ridership. The expert emphasizes that even traditional diesel buses remain competitive in terms of emissions because of their higher ridership.

Making cities denser, creating mixed-use neighborhoods conducive to walking and biking, implementing downtown congestion charges, and enhancing public transportation are strategies that could reduce traffic-related emissions by 25%, as per the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

According to an associate professor in the department of human geography at U of T Scarborough, transitioning to electric cars without addressing other aspects of the mobility system may exacerbate inefficiencies. He emphasizes that car-based mobility systems do not scale well in larger cities, occupying excessive space and impeding the provision of a high quality of life for residents.

Despite the push for electric vehicle (EV) adoption, there are signs of cooling demand in critical markets, prompting concerns about the immediate impact on addressing climate change through car purchases. Governments are facing pressure to expedite decarbonization, with ambitious targets for EV sales, but industry representatives view these targets as overly aggressive, especially for commercial vehicles.

Moving too quickly towards EVs could have repercussions for automakers struggling to profit from these vehicles and consumers facing challenges such as insufficient charging infrastructure, limited selection, range anxiety, and higher costs.

Regulators should consider the unintended consequences of an abrupt shift to EVs, especially for industries beyond transportation. For example, a significant shift to EVs could impact the petroleum refining industry, potentially creating challenges for consumer and industrial product manufacturers that depend on petroleum-derived inputs and applications.

Despite the growing consensus on the need for government intervention to address climate change, it’s important to acknowledge the significant contribution of passenger vehicles and commercial trucks to greenhouse gas emissions.

These are the kinds of inquiries that the upcoming Special Meeting on Global Collaboration, Growth and Energy for Development organized by the World Economic Forum in Riyadh this month aims to address.

It is evident that fossil fuels are an essential resource required to meet both current demand and facilitate a seamless transition to an era where low-carbon energy is widespread. Implementing changes too rapidly could have an unintentionally devastating chain reaction, yet taking no action impacts future generations and postpones a sustainable planet.

Innovations in the energy sector

Players in the oil and gas industry, including numerous crude oil refineries worldwide, are aware that the energy transition is underway. Since refiners will rely heavily on fuel demand for transportation and the oil that powers them for years to come, we should not exclude oil companies from having a significant role in the decision-making process. In fact, their presence becomes even more crucial. These organizations wield considerable influence on the global economy as providers of goods, services, emerging green technology, and employment opportunities. They also possess the best technical expertise and capabilities to overcome the challenges of the energy transition.

Innovation is on the horizon but will require time to mature. For instance, companies are developing bio-based alternatives to petroleum products, but such solutions are still a long way from reaching significant scale. Many of these alternatives will need more time, investment, innovation, and widespread support to come to fruition.

Another example of the complexity associated with the energy transition is the shift to bio-based materials, which could potentially reduce the reliance on petroleum-based products and mitigate the impact of declining gasoline and diesel demand. Again, it is a promising concept that requires time and resources to become a viable solution.

Acknowledging that only a few limited facilities currently produce bio-based plastics on an industrial scale, there are hardly any companies presently operating at a scale comparable to those underpinned by petroleum. When significant scale is achieved, key conflicts must be taken into account. While contributing to carbon emission reduction, these bio-based materials are derived from crops that people consume, such as corn, soybeans, and sugar tested, with current technology, the industry cannot manufacture essential items like medicines, plastics, and other materials that society depends on without competing with food, driving up food costs. Elevated food costs and thereby potential scarcity have the greatest impact on the economically disadvantaged.

Ensuring energy security

As mentioned earlier, another consideration for rapid energy transition mandates are the repercussions of escalating costs and volume throughout an energy system that has evolved over 150 years. Present grids are not designed to accommodate the technological advancements driving electric vehicle (EV) adoption. Simultaneously, consumers are demand stimulating for AI-enabled smartphone and computing technologies.

Both EVs and AI are instigating significant changes in power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. These changes necessitate new investments and innovations that demand a return commensurate with the associated risks. Making these investments will likely lead to higher energy costs in developed markets and, given the interconnected nature of the global energy system, could have implications worldwide.

This is not the time to retreat from these challenges. We must have faith that global leaders committed to accelerating the energy transition not only possess the urgency to confront the challenge, but also the foresight to ensure that the transition is economically and socially sustainable.

With the imminent end of the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans in the UK by 2030, the race to transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is underway. This new automotive ecosystem continues to bring a plethora of new technology providers, alongside substantial and ongoing changes to road infrastructure.

Here, we examine the current status of the market, key hurdles for the sector, and delve into how standards are playing a pivotal role in supporting the entire EV infrastructure.

What is the status of electric vehicles in the UK today?

In 2022, over 260,000 battery electric vehicles (BEVs) were sold in the UK, comprising 16.6% of all sales and trailing only behind petrol models. Additionally, hybrid cars accounted for 11.6% of sales and plug-in hybrids 6.3%.

This trend has also permeated the second-hand market: a record 71,071 used BEVs were sold, marking a 37.5% increase from 2021. Sales of used hybrids captured by 8.6% and plug-in hybrids by 3.6%.

Globally, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that there were 16.1 million electric vehicles on the roads in 2021 – triple the number from three years earlier. Nevertheless, it emphasizes that more effort is needed for the world to stay on course for achieving net zero emissions by 2050. So, what are the primary barriers, and how are they being addressed?

1) Infrastructure for recharging

As per a survey by AA in 2022, apart from cost, the main obstacle to buying an electric vehicle is the lack of rapid charging stations on highways. Fortunately, the situation is getting better. In February 2023, there were nearly 39,000 public charging points in the UK at over 23,000 locations, compared to just over 8,000 traditional fuel stations. Additionally, there were approximately 400,000 home and workplace charging points, some of which are open to the public.

2) Concerns about limited driving range

This refers to the worry experienced by drivers that their electric vehicle might not have enough power to complete a journey. However, given that 99% of car trips in England are under 100 miles, most drivers will find that EVs meet their needs. There’s also positive news for drivers who frequently take longer trips. The battery capacity of new EV models is constantly increasing, with ranges of 300 or even 400 miles on a single charge now being common.

3) Accessibility issues

Despite some advancements, accessibility remains a significant barrier to widespread adoption of EVs. Cost is a major hurdle for much of the population, and there are also challenges that other potential EV drivers face. For instance, the disability charity, Motability, has highlighted that from inadequate signage to unsuitable parking facilities, disabled EV users face numerous obstacles when it comes to public charging facilities. BSI has published PAS 1899:2022 Electric vehicles – Accessible charging – Specification to improve charging point design for drivers with disabilities. It’s available for free download.

4) Availability of vehicle charging points near residences

Not every potential EV owner has suitable off-street parking for installing a home charging point, especially in urban areas. Local councils may be slow to respond to requests for on-street charging points, or they may lack the funds to invest in the infrastructure Unfortunately, there’s unlikely to be a quick solution for EV owners without off-street parking. Even though the government has introduced funding programs to enhance EV charging infrastructure (such as integrating charging points into lampposts and bollards), progress is slow.

5) Cost of electricity

If you fill up your car with petrol, you would expect to cover the cost yourself. However, with the increase in energy prices, some drivers are worried about paying the bill. According to a 2022 AA survey, 63% of respondents said that rising energy costs have discouraged them from purchasing an EV. However, this might be indicative of a lack of understanding about the actual costs of fueling different types of vehicles. Currently, a full charge is relatively inexpensive, even considering the rise in energy costs. Charging a small car at home can cost as little as 3.4p per mile, according to Which? additionally, as of November 2022, approximately 11% of public charging points were free, including many at supermarkets, workplaces, and in parking lots.

6) Challenges with charging vehicles at stations

There are discrepancies in charging point facilities that create confusion. For instance, there is variation in charging speed. A slow charge point (3 kW) can charge a vehicle in about 6-12 hours, depending on its battery size. A fast charge point (7 kW or 22 kW) can do so in 4-5 hours, a rapid charge point (43-50 kW) in about one hour, while ultra-rapid charge points (100+ kW) take 20-30 minutes. Another source of confusion is the connection cables, with drivers sometimes discovering that charge points do not have the right one for their vehicle.

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